Our association’s President, Shukry Sahhar, made an acknowledgement of country, welcomed everyone, and spoke about this year’s main developments as described in his written report.
Minutes of the previous AGM on 2 December 2021 were accepted.
The financial statement for 2021‑22 which had been circulated earlier by our Treasurer Bob Ellison was accepted.
Discussion of the President’s report included these points:
- Evan Mann said it had been transformative for Shukry Sahhar to elicit the support for MyHome of two ambassadors, and thus the accompanying and subsequent media coverage.
- Shukry Sahhar said it seems clear that ACT Ministers and officials like the idea of integrating MyHome with a development of affordable rental housing, and that the interest of Wesley Mission in such an integrated development has added greatly to credibility of the MyHome proposal. But much design work and consultation of the community lies ahead.
Election of committee members – since only one nomination had been received for each of the office-holder positions and each other committee position, under rule 16(4) the people nominated were taken to be elected:
- President – Shukry Sahhar
- Vice-President – Pauline Sullivan
- Treasurer – Bob Ellison
- Secretary – John Eyers
- Committee Member – Barbara Fogarty
- Committee Member – Matt Jackson
- Committee Member – Robin Stanton.
Wesley Mission (WM)- David Cannings, Chief Finance Officer of WM spoke to us by Zoom, making a brief presentation then answering questions. There’s a separate news item about the possibility of an integrated development which draws in part on what he said.