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MyHome in Canberra - Bringing Vision to Reality : MyHome in Canberra

MyHome in Canberra – Bringing Vision to Reality

18 December 2014

MyHome in Canberra Incorporated was established as a not for profit organisation on 28 February 2014. Our vision is to provide a safe, supportive and caring home for people with enduring mental illness who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, or who live in unsuitable accommodation and are unable to live independently.

On 24 September 2014 John Tucker, a mental health carer, and Chair and President of My Home in Canberra gave a presentation to the assembly of St. Francis Xavier (SFX) College. John called on SFX College to assist MyHome in Canberra to help improve the lives of people with enduring illness. Download the presentation.

On 10 December 2014 SFX College invited John to its final assembly of the year and presented him with a generous donation for MyHome in Canberra. The donation represents the proceeds from fundraising undertaken by the students and staff of SFX College on SFX day this year. The SFX community has advised that it would like to support the MyHome in Canberra group to bring its vision to a reality.

MyHome in Canberra Inc. is very grateful for the wonderful donation from the students and staff of SFX College. We believe that it represents a good step forward in helping to achieve MyHome in Canberra’s target of establishing it’s first supported accommodation facility by 30 June 2016.

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