In an article on The Conversation website, Vivienne Skinner and Phillippa Carnemolla of University of Technology Sydney summarised their review of global research since 2009 about the value of providing secure, stable homes for formerly homeless people.
They summarised: “The overriding consensus among the 100 peer-reviewed studies and agency reports was that housing stability brought a raft of benefits to formerly homeless individuals. Reducing the cost of non-shelter services also saved the public money”.
Many of those studies and reports relate to other countries, but there are several recent studies of relevant Australian programs which have identified substantial cost savings for governments. They are summarised on this page of our website.
Every program to help remedy homelessness is specific to its situation and client group. Identifying savings for the ACT Government, as a partial offset to the cost of building and maintaining MyHome and providing a support service there, is a research task we hope will be undertaken in conjunction with delivering MyHome.